We spent our weekend at my brother's farm in Port Hope Michigan, which is just shy of the very tip of the thumb area. Every year they have a tractor pull, flea market, fireworks and craft show. I haven't been up in awhile, but decided to take the kids and make a weekend of it.
So, we packed up the car with all the camping gear and the big tent, 10 five week old baby chickens, 2 ducks, Evie, Allard, Lizzy and myself, and of we went. The weather was great during the day, and chilly over night. Friday night we set up camp, and visited with the neighboring farm that was having a memorial/family reunion. Saturday we shot the Beebe gun and went to the tractor pull. Evie and Allard both bought new hats, we had ice cream and got a little sun.
Today after we packed up the car, we went to the public beach in Harbor Beach, and sat by the Lake. We got home in time for dinner, baths, and a general vegetating state began.
Let the new week begin.