Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pirates at the Pool

Last night our Troop attended the Pirates at the Pool Event sponsored by our Girl Scout Neighborhood. Lizzy's Troop plans,arranges, and runs the event and in return get a cut of the profits. Which they use to pay for supplies for their gold or silver awards. This picture was taken during snack time when the three of us were together. Lizzy was in charge of the craft area during the night, and Evie and I took our Troop to enjoy the Y with swimming, belly dancing, crafts, tattoos, songs, snacks, a maze, and of course you had to solve clues that told you where you were suppose to be at any given time. The evening ended with a closing ceremony and swaps.

Of course, if you have been watching the weather, you would have known that again this event took place during a snow storm. One of my mom's asked me if I could ever have an event that did not involve snow and I of course replied "What fun would that have been."

Friday, January 9, 2009

Comfort Foods

Well, not much has been happening here. The kids are back to school. Chris has a birthday coming up this Sunday (he'll be 24), Allard's birthday will be soon after that. Allard wants to have the same type of party as Lizzy did (sleepover with midnight bowling). And then before you know it will be Spring again.

Last week while Jeff and I were at the grocery store I picked up a large whole chicken that was on sale and told him I was going to make some soup, so today before work I spent my time making a large pot of homemade soup. I had so much chicken and veggies that I didn't think I had enough noodles, so when Jeff took me to work this evening I picked up another bag. Evie was with me and I told her that she had to make sure when she got home that daddy only added the noodles and nothing else, because this was Mom's turn to cook and I don't need him to fix any meal I make. (When Jeff picked me up he told me that Evie made sure he didn't fix anything, and she reminded him that he had to behave.)

They are calling for 6-8 inches of snow tonight into tomorrow, so a nice bowl of chicken soup seemed to be just the thing we needed here.