Time has been flying by here with so many outings and appointments. Lizzy just returned from one camp out this month to go to another. She and five other Girl Scouts and two Leaders will be heading to South Manitou Island for four days of backpacking and nature. They will arrive by boat to the Island and hike in a mile and a half to their campground. This is a no impact Island so no luxuries will be had. Just planing her meals for the four days has been torture. You have no electricity, no local store, just mother nature and the animals. Needless to say, she has planned a lot of PB&J and Ramien Noodles.
Evie had the school picnic recently, with lots of bounces, carnival games, and of course a petting zoo. Of course the highlight of this event is lunch with your child.
The Friday before this was Field Day, and the week after the picnic was her classroom picnic. It has been one party after another for this month.
We also had to squeeze in two field trips to the Ford Rouge Plant for Girl Scouts.
And of course the Big event to end out the year was our Bridging Ceremony. All my brownies became Juniors at our school wide awards ceremony that we leaders had planned.
We planned a school wide Girl Scout dessert potluck where each Troop displayed examples of things they had done this year, and gave out all the Badges that each girl had earned.
Of course it ended with my Brownie girls bridging to Juniors and the older girls going to Cadettes.
Lizzy was of course a big help this year with my Troop. She helped out at our meetings and so it was only right that she got to be involved with the Bridging Ceremony. She was our caller for the Flag Ceremony and of course she read the bridging poem that I had found years ago.
If I had read the poem I would have bawled through the whole event .
Today is the last day of school so now the fun can really begin for these kids. First on the list for today - Clean the house before you can do anything fun. HAHAHA